XR4DRAMA POIs & Virtual Whiteboards

Here’s another little peek behind the scenes:
(more…)Here’s another little peek behind the scenes:
(more…)When the consortium is in the mood for meetings, it’s in the mood for meetings. Less than two weeks after our media production pilot and the first plenary on Corfu, we got together yet again. On May 17th, we met in the “Sala Chiesa” at the beautiful, historic Palazzo Trissino al Corso, located in the center of Vicenza. Our goal this time: Do an XR4DRAMA risk/disaster prevention and management test run, led by consortium member AAWA and their local partners, the emergency control crew of Vicenza municipality.
(more…)So this actually happened: After 17 months of working remotely with seven teams based in four countries, everybody hopped into a car, a bus, onto a train, a ferry, a plane – and went to Corfu. Where we had a much needed all-hands workshop and consortium meeting, at the Ariti Hotel in Kanoni, in the first week of May, 2022. We still have to pinch ourselves. Now what’s going on in terms of prototype development, project management and project exploitation will be subject of a number of upcoming deliverables. This post instead summarizes the activities during our first “real” get-together and DW’s media pilot test run, which was at the center of it all. We also have a couple of nice black & white shots for you.
(more…)In this series of blog interviews, we further introduce the people and organizations behind XR4DRAMA by asking them about their work and their particular interest in the project. Our seventh and last interview partner is Christos Stentoumis, co-founder of the Athens-based IT engineering company up2metric.
(more…)First of all: We’re fully aware that an annual events calendar is usually published in January. However, we were busy with research, development and planning then, so the following post only covers events that take part in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter of 2022.
As for focus topics, it’s been quite a challenge to decide which events to list and which to leave out. That’s because XR4DRAMA is about XR and multimodal data and (remote) disaster management and location scouting. We’re pretty sure, however, that if you’re interested in at least some (aspects) of the aforementioned topics, the following list will be quite helpful when nagivating the jungle of international conferences, meetings, and exhibitions.
Here goes:
(more…)In this series of blog interviews, we further introduce the people and organizations behind XR4DRAMA by asking them about their work and their particular interest in the project. Our sixth interview partner is Leo Wanner of UPF-TALN, the widely acclaimed group of natural language processing specialists at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.